Venus on Sunday
Women's circle
Women's circle
Venus on Sunday is a 6-week course in which we delve into the female mystery and rediscover our feminine essence through various Taoist exercises. By working with exercises that have been developed specifically for our female body, we can appropriate our feminine qualities more and we are more able to express these qualities in daily life.
Women's circles have been held all over the world for centuries. Women traditionally gather to share, celebrate and mourn. When women come together, something beautiful is almost always created, a connection is created and we produce the hormone oxytocin, which is good for our immune system, among other things. Healing occurs when you share your feelings and are heard by other women in a safe setting. The ancient Taoists were masters in studying the subtle energetic properties of the human body, developing meditations and practices to maximize human potential. They discovered that we could maintain and improve our youthfulness and vitality by working with (sexual) energy. In the past, these exercises were kept secret from 'the common people' and taught only to the imperial family. In Venus on Sunday we work with these exercises, which have been passed down from teacher to student for generations.
What is feminine essence?
Everyone possesses both a masculine and feminine essence. Because we live in a predominantly male dominant society (male energy is linear, goal-oriented, result-oriented, assertive, action etc) everyone in our society can benefit from some more feminine energy. Feminine energy is described as cyclical, connecting, intuitive and creative. The feminine essence has a more 'being quality'. If you have more feminine energy, it is easier to come into a state of surrender, to be vulnerable and to go through life with more gentleness. In Venus on Sunday we feed more our feminine essence, and we come more in harmony with ourselves and the world around us.

Two options:
The original 6-week Venus circle
Sundays from 17.00 - 19.00
September 18 & 25, October 2, 9, 16 & 23
Early bird price paid before August 31 : €220,- then full price €330,-
The base Venus circle
Thursdays from 19.00 - 21.00
September 15, 22 & 29
Price: €120,-
Location : Rotterdam North
After registration, we will hold a short intake conversation via zoom to determine whether the circle is suitable for you.
For more information on the content go to venusonsunday , or send me a message.
The program
What can you expect? During six meetings I will guide you in different Taoist meditations and other exercises: Week 1: Inner Balance Week 2: Safe base in the pelvis Week 3: Sensuality Week 4: Depth & creative power Week 5: Jade egg ceremony Week 6: Meet your sensual self A selection of the exercises that are offered; abdominal massage Inner Smile Meditation Psoas muscle exercises Yoni steam Womb healing meditation (Self) breast massage Jade egg ceremony and more!
Optional : Because for some women a circle with exercises around our breasts, vagina and uterus is still too exciting, you can also opt for the introduction women's circle.
Same basis, only no yoni egg, steam, breast massage and womb meditations.
Three sessions in which we build safety and balance in our own body, and get acquainted with the women's circle and with our sensual soft self.
Week 1: Inner Balance
Week 2: Safe base in the pelvis
Week 3: Sensuality
What can a Venus on Sunday circle bring you?
More connection with yourself, self-respect and self-love
More in touch with your intuition
Discover a soft power in yourself
More in touch with your own sensuality and sexuality
Being more grounded and present in your own body with a calm head and compassionate heart.
Feeling more vital
Enjoy more in everyday life
Being able to receive better, to lean back and relax
Better able to make choices based on love (for yourself and others) ​
For whom?
An inclusive women's circle is for anyone with a physical female body. It is not necessary to identify yourself as a woman, or to be born a woman; non binary, transgender and intersex people are all welcome.